Kentaro Okutsu

Nohgaku Kyogen, Izumi-style

Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1972, he studied under the late Nomura Matasaburo nobuhiro XIII (he was designated as a Important Intangible Cultural Property). He is a member of the Nomura-Matasaburo family, which has a 400-year history as a Kyogen performer. In addition to performing on stage, he also gives lectures and workshops at schools, universities and other institutions. And he moreover studies and makes Noh and Kyogen masks under the master, Yoshiko Ishihara. He performs overseas and participates in international exchanges. He is the host of "Kyogen Performance for Children" (organized by “Ten Lai Noh-no Kai”), and a member of the Nohgaku Association.

Kenichiro Okutsu

Nohgaku Kyogen, Izumi-style

Born in Tokyo, Japan in 2003 and studied under the late Nomura Matasaburo Nobuhiro XIII and Nomura Matasaburo Nobuyuki XIV and his father Kentaro Okutsu (All three designated Important Intangible Cultural Property). He made his first appearance on the stage at five. And has performed on many stages since then.

Together with his father, he has been actively participating in workshops to promote Kyogen, performances abroad, and international exchanges. He is a student at the Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in Kyogen, and a member of the Nohgaku(Noh and Kyogen) Association.